Center on the Physics of Cancer Metabolism
A fantastic, productive site visit this week–approximately 60 faculty and trainees from MD Anderson, & Weill Cornell–sharing presentations and posters on progress w/the NCI.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis most outside visitors including NCI staff as well as most of our Advisory Board attended the meeting virtually via videoconference. One of our Advisory Board Members (Amato Giaccia) attended the meeting in person. Together with Douglas Yee, Director of the Masonic Cancer Center at the Uof Minnesota and Clare Waterman, Director, Cell and Developmental Biology Center at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health, he provided important feedback and insights into future directions for our Center. The goal of the meeting was to provide a broad overview of the Center and for students and participating faculty to meet in person and discuss new and ongoing collaborations. Activities included, presentations, networking meals and a poster session. Our next retreat will be planned again in conjunction with our yearly NCI Site Visit in 2021.